An Emmanuel Story: A Dose Of The Holy Spirit

Howard grew up in a Jewish family on Long Island, New York. For more than 15 years Howard provided financial services and planning for families in the greater Naples area before meeting Byron Tweeten.

Byron was a successful consultant with great depth in Lutheran doctrine. Howard worked directly with Byron in his consulting practice. This collaboration ultimately led to Howard becoming the CEO of Emmanuel Academies and Emmanuel Communities at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. At that time in his life, this call was exactly what Howard needed.

After starting work with Emmanuel, God grew Howard’s understanding and appreciation for the Holy Spirit through his relationships at Emmanuel. The sense of the Holy Spirit has become so important that he is guided by and relies daily on its power. Howard’s growth and knowledge of the Holy Spirit is a product of the Emmanuel culture and environment. His trust in the “Spirit” was not a sudden revelation, but rather it has been a nurturing and steadfast realization acquired through the Emmanuel Family.

Howard’s awareness of the power of the Holy Spirit led him to desire a Christian baptism. This was a significant step as he had been a practicing Jew for a good portion of his life. So, his leap of faith was when he was baptized in the waters of Emmanuel Park Church. Now his trust in the Holy Spirit continues to grow and become ever more important.

The relationship Howard shared with Byron Tweeten prepared Howard for the challenges and victories that lie ahead for him with two start up ministries at Emmanuel. After Byron’s passing, his legacy lives on each day for Howard as he asks, “how would Byron do it?” or “what would Byron do?” Howard is grateful for Byron’s role in introducing him to the people of Emmanuel who have welcomed his gifts and guided his faith journey with care and respect.


An Emmanuel Story: Moving From A Retired Church Status


An Emmanuel Story: A Work In Progress